Have you ever had some of these questions about coaching?
- How would it be to have a coach?
- What could coaching do for me?
- How does this coaching thing work?
Here you can find our team of Coaches that are willing to help you with these questions and more.
Each one of these wonderful people have offered to volunteered their time to help you with a free coaching session.
Read through their bio’s to see which would be a good match for you and your needs.
Use the sign up form to contact us and select your coach on your profile page and we will put you two in contact with each other.

Boris Pavlov
I have been involved in personal growth & development for over 30 years. My passion lies in understanding the forces that shape a person’s life & consciousness and utilizing this knowledge to create personal growth and development in every area of life.
I have trained for many years in the esoteric and spiritual, psychology and NLP, and most recently I joined Noble Manhattan to learn how to be the best life coach I can be and work with people in helping them find their passion and unfold their highest potential.
My vision is to help people lead a joyful and balanced life, to become empowered and strong, to have a clear vision about every area of their life and having the tools they need to create a magical life where everything is working.
I believe that true happiness can only be experienced when you become inner-directed, follow your heart, and manifest a balanced life.
If you feel there is more to life than what society tells you, if you are longing for a sense of inner completion and fulfillment, then let’s get together and allow me to work with you to manifest your ideal life.

Ganka Petrova
Accredited Practitioner Coach
I am a Life, Executive & Corporate Coach, accredited with the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring.
I work with private customers mainly in the field of business and work related issues. Currently, I am specializing in Corporate coaching as this area is near to my background experience as Quality and Environment Manager.
A little about me:
- Life and Business coach diploma from Noble Manhattan.
- Quality management consultant (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Automotive core tools) with more than 10 years’ practice.
- Quality and Environmental manager with 18 years’ practice for different Automotive companies
- I speak English and Bulgarian
- I like to coach by Skype
- Proud mother of two wonderful & Successful children
I look forward to speaking with you and helping you achieve your desires.
Ганка Петрова е дипломиран житейски и бизнес коуч. Тя работи с частни клиенти основно по теми свързани с бизнес и работни отношения. Понаастоящем тя специализира Корпоративен коучинг поради неговата близост до нейния работен опит като Мениджър по качество и Околна среда за няколко големи фирми в Автомобилния бранш. Тя е акредитиран практикуващ коуч от International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring. Горда майка на две вече пораснали деца.
- Дипломиран лайф и бизнес коуч.
- Консултант по управление на качеството (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Automotive core tools) с над 10 години практика.
- Мениджър по качество и околна среда с 18 години практика в различни. производствени фирми и корпорации основно в автомобилния бранш.
- Акредитиран коуч от International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring.

Pavel Pavlov
My passion is to help people live flourishing and fulfilling lives. I possess skills and attitudes of a natural born coach and was trained by a world-leading coaching training company, Noble Manhattan.
Before this, I gained managerial skills working for international corporations and running a variety of projects with NGOs. I am married to Galina and have two children.
I coach in the areas of:
- Career choices,
- Time management,
- Skills development,
- Goal setting,
- Meaning in life,
- Clarity and focus,
- Work/life balance,
- Relationships
Whether personal, business or NGO environment, I will be along side helping your sustainable success.

Gergana Nikolova
Plovdiv Coaching Support Group President
After high school, I continued my education in Plovdiv University studying Slavonic philology. I learned one very important lesson after the second year, a person has to do what they truly love, not what it is expected of them. Therefore, I quit the university and left to USA for 5 months. When I came back, I continued my education and I graduated with honor in Marketing and PR.
A truly valuable experience for me is working in international outsourcing organization as a team leader for 6.5 years. Working with people is a real pleasure for me and it inspired me to take variety of additional training’s like NLP, academy for leaders, project management, train the trainer, etc. A great contribution for my growing as a conscious person has also been my participation in a psychodrama personal development group for 9 years.
In 2017, I discovered my love for coaching, so I graduated with Noble Manhattan’s Life and Executive Coach Program. I know that getting to coaching in my life was not a coincidence but a logical next step. Working with different people throughout my life made me discover my true love for helping others in their path. Observing the change in others and in myself also, gave me the strongest believe in my life – everyone can be a better version of themselves, everyone can change and make a difference in the world.
I now work with individuals and business owners, who want to change their lives, to achieve their goals and do more for themselves and the world around them. My true passion is working with managers and team leaders on developing and managing their teams because I know how essentially important this is in a corporate environment.
След гимназиалното си образование продължих да уча Славянска филология в Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски“. След втората година научих и още един важен урок – че човек трябва да прави това, което истински обича, а не това, което се очаква от него. За това напуснах университета и заминах за 5 месеца в САЩ. След това продължих образованието си в Колежа по икономика и администрация и завърших с отличие Маркетинг, реклама и PR.
През последните 6 години работя в международна аутсорсинг организация като към момента изпълнявам длъжността Старши Тийм Лидер на прекрасен екип в областта на продажбите. Работата с хора е истинско удоволствие за мен и тя ме вдъхнови да премина редица допълнителни обучения в сферата на коучинга, NLP, академия за лидери, управление на проекти и train the trainer.Голяма заслуга за израстването ми като осъзнат човек има и участието ми в група за личностно развитие по психодрама в продължение на 9 години.
Това, което със сигурност мога да кажа за себе си е, че когато правя нещо, което истински обичам, давам цялата си енергия не само в целия процес, но и на хората, с които работя. Обичам да бъда активна, позитивна и да създавам промяна.
Към момента съм студент към Noble Manhattan по програмата Practitioner Coach Diploma и знам, че да стигна до коучинга в моя живот не беше случайност, а логичната следваща крачка.