Our Vision

We exist to raise awareness, facilitate sharing and access to information, expand the scope and impact of coaching methods.
For this purpose we:
– Regularly organise coaching support group hubs – to raise the awareness of the general public and business communities to the benefits of coaching and other personal development disciplines.
– Provide a safe place within which like-minded people may actively interact, help and support each other.
– Aim to elevate the standards of coaching, making it widely available in an inclusive way, through education, coaching supervision, mentoring, support groups, seminars, retreats, webinars.

Team Members
Founding Members

Katrin Prentice
Accredited Master Coach

Brian Prentice
All around good guy

Ilina Natcheva
Accredited Practitioner Coach
Community Coaching Support Group Leaders

Aneliya Stoilova
Sofia Coaching Support Group

Gergana Nikolova
Plovdiv Coaching Support Group

Limba Veselinovikj
Skopje Coaching Support Group
Free Coaching Team Members

Boris Pavel

Ganka Petrova, APC

Pavel Pavlov

Gergana Nikolova
Plovdiv Coaching Support Group

In this series of articles, we publish information to create an awareness of the challenges facing people that are looking to coaching, to train in a new career or that are looking for a coach. We hope to provide information that will help them in making informed decisions about the coaching that will meet their needs.
These reports are written independently of our organisation professionals, whose work affects us all.
We strive to introduce you to different perspectives, to tell stories that deserve to be heard and to provoke your interest in the new opportunities, maximize effectiveness, creativity and resilience.

Get in touch
Do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will be happy to help any way we can.
By sending a message to us you agree with our Privacy Policy.