The Practitioner Coach Diploma
in Life and Executive Coaching
Accredited Coach Training Program with Noble Manhattan Coaching

Welcome to life and executive coach training
If you are new to coaching, this course is the ideal vehicle to achieve your coaching aspirations.
You will engage in the development of fundamental knowledge together with the practical application and demonstration of essential coaching skills.
Whatever your ultimate goal, the solid knowledge and skills base acquired through the Practitioner course is vital to any form or arena of coaching.
This coach training program is accredited by three independent coach accreditation organisation – International Coaching Federation (ICF), the International Authority of Professional Coaching and Mentoring (IAPC&M) and the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)
The life and executive coach training course is split into several parts:
Part 1 – Distance Learning
Part 2 – Residential Experience
If you …
- want to commence a career in coaching individuals in life dynamics,
- or plan to integrate core coaching skills into your present working role,
- or aim to set up a part time or full time coaching practice
… Then this program is for you.
Advanced Diploma Option
- 420 hours accredited coach training – enhanced with additional 10 Coaching with Supervision and Mentoring Masterclasses
This is an Excellent Life and Executive Coach Training for You if :
- You would like to bring coaching into your workplace to improve your performance and career potential, or
- You intend to start your own coaching practice, or
- You want to work in the executive and corporate coaching field and
- You need an excellent accredited program from which you can progress your studies.
This coach training program provides you with over 360 hours of cutting-edge blended learning, which fulfills the academic training hours requirement should you wish to apply for accreditation as a Senior or Master Coach with IAPC&M and prepares you to be the best coach you can be, like no other.
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Is Coaching for You?
Please, watch this workshop with Gerard O’Donovan, founder and CEO of Noble Manhattan Coaching, and find out more about who the company is, and what the course entails

Part 1 – Mentoring, Online Program & Distance Learning
This life and executive coach training is what we call Blended Learning
Flexible Study Methods.
Practitioner Coach Handbook.
Practitioner Coach Training Manual – 5 Modules, Reading, Learning & Exercises.
Co-Active Coaching Course Book – to read and critique as a course book.
Online Student Log In Area Access: 8 Coach Training Teleclasses.
Online, Face to Face Personal Mentoring: With our Level II Coaching you receive personal mentoring, from a qualified, accredited, Senior Coach.
Practical Coaching: 10 hours of practical, documented coaching will be completed by you to broaden your experience and confidence as a coach while in coach training.
This course is 300 hours of Blended learning which combines comprehensive distance learning from the comfort of your own home, as well as a residential coaching experience retreat.
+ 60 Hours of Practical Coaching
The learning is delivered in a truly multimedia format.
This variation maintains motivation as well as making it easy for you to fit it around your work and social life.
Reading and listening to audios or videos can be done at home, in the garden, on the train or at office
During the Distance Learning You will receive:
- Instruction Manual
- tells you everything you need to know from how to plan your study to submission of your final portfolio
- Course book
- provides a great insight into the world of coaching and provides a good base upon which to build your understanding
- Handbook with 12 Course Modules in 2 volumes
- 12 home-study modules and essential reading, complimented by 14 teleclasses by various lecturers each experts in their field.
- Additional Course Manual at the Residential part of the course
- this is additional information to upgrade your knowledge and skills, which builds on what you have been studying already
- Dedicated Student Support
- Although some of this program is designed as home study, you are by no means left on your own. You will receive regular emails and calls from us, reminding you where you should be with your studies, and offering tips, advice and help.✦ A coaching development plan and reflective journaling provide vital self-management and identification of your learning needs and successes.
✦ 60 hours of coaching – for that all important practice.
✦ Study Buddy – for mutual learning and support.
✦ Comprehensive online resource center.
✦ Regular email support and a head office team always at hand.
✦ Monthly training webinars.
- Although some of this program is designed as home study, you are by no means left on your own. You will receive regular emails and calls from us, reminding you where you should be with your studies, and offering tips, advice and help.✦ A coaching development plan and reflective journaling provide vital self-management and identification of your learning needs and successes.
- 7 One-to-one mentoring sessions
- with a dedicated Mentor Coach who will help you hone your coaching skills whilst addressing many of the most common issues.
- Post Graduate Support for life
Reading and Writing
The first step is to read the Co-Active Coaching book and write a book critique.
The book critique is just your thoughts down on a couple of sheets of A4. There’s no real right or wrong answers – it’s just your understanding of the book.
You don’t even have to like the book. A lot of students haven’t been in a school environment for some time, so we don’t mind about punctuation, spelling etc. etc.
There are 3 reflective essays to be done and 1 final written assignment (thesis).
The course has 10 Modules to read through. Based on those modules, you pick 3 topics of your choice to write an essay on.
The essays are between 1000-2500 words.
The course also has 2 more modules with case studies and topics on which you need to write the final thesis.
The thesis is between 6000 – 8000 words.
The essays and thesis are submitted and graded to form part of your overall grade.
Once the book critique and 1 essay have been received by the office for marking, you will then be allocated a mentor coach.
This is a coach who is accredited at senior or master level. You will have seven sessions with your mentor coach which can be taken at any time.
The first session is a introductory call and then 6 mentor sessions will follow that.
The mentor sessions are done over Skype, which is nice, as you can have them from anywhere in the world.
The sessions are a bit like a role play exercise where you coach the mentor coach (they act as the client) and at the end of each session they’ll give you feedback on how well you did and the areas where you need to improve. The mentor coach is like a driving instructor, helping you hone your skills.
Each session is 1 hour long, divided into 2 parts: 30 minute coaching session, followed by 30 minute mentor feedback.
Teleclasses provide verbal tuition from experienced and highly qualified coaches regarding many of the important facets of coaching.
The topics covered complement and expand on the study modules and provide valuable underpinning knowledge on which coaching skills are founded.
There is a huge range of teleclasses available to you including different lecturers speaking on the same subject thus offering various viewpoints, approaches, methods of working and expertise.
Because you can listen to these calls online, download to your computer or phone you can listen to them as often as you want, until you feel really comfortable with the learning that has taken place
There are 14 mandatory teleclass topics to be listened to and reflective notes on them to be written.
Teleclasses are like a mini lecture recorded over the phone. This was before webinars platforms were available.
The teleclasses / webinars tie in with the modules in the course material and could be on beliefs, ethics, questioning skills, listening skills etc.
Although, only 14 are required, there is a rich library of over 200 hours of recorded teleclasses / webinars which you will have free access to at all times.
This library is continually being enlarged and updated, by adding new audio lectures to it every month.
Live Webinars – Free Continuous Professional Development forever
Depending on the language(s) you speak you may easily receive between 3 to 5 live webinars per month – yes, every single month!
They are an excellent opportunity to speak with the Senior and Master Coaches who lead them and ask questions. You receive a different topic at every webinar – this is 50 topics in one calendar year (and no less than 36 during the duration of your training course).
The best part is that you will continue having access to this wealth of training and information not only during training, but also after your graduate – as part of the CPD (Continuous Professional Development) support provided for FREE to the students on many of the courses.
During the webinars there will be other students on line and a chance for questions and answers sessions at the end. If you cannot make the live call, don’t worry because all of the calls are recorded and archived.
These archived webinars are stored in the online members area. This is what helps build the recorded webinar library. So, there’s hundreds of webinars that you can access at anytime you wish.
There’s 60 hours of practical coaching to be done and logged.
This can be done with friends, relatives, colleagues etc. It’s entirely up to you, as long as people know that you’re not a qualified coach and it is suggested that this practice be done free of charge.
Collaborative Studying
The is done in collaboration with other students on the same course, i.e. your “study buddies”. You can form groups with other students to practice your coaching techniques, get tips on written work and share mentor tips among each other.
You can either form such study-buddy groups locally within your city or country, or you can team up with students in other cities or countries, using Skype to conduct your meetings. There is an online student area platform where you can search for existing study-buddy groups. Or you can connect with other students via facebook groups, or at the monthly masterclasses, the support group meetings and the residential coaching experiences.
Again, your study-buddy meetings can be done over Skype.
Assessment of Practical Coaching Skills
The final assessment is conducted by an Accredited Master Coach.
When mentor coach considers that you are ready for the final practical exam, they will put you forward for a final practical skills assessment.
The assessment works exactly the same way as a mentor session, but instead of giving you feedback at the end, you will receive an assessment of your coaching skills.
The assessment is graded and becomes part of your overall course grade.
Candidates complete a coaching skills assessment and submit a portfolio of evidence containing a coaching development plan, record of teleclasses and mentoring sessions, a coaching log, a book critique, written work and reflective learning notes.
Upon completion you will be a qualified Noble Manhattan Practitioner Coach.
The NMC Practitioner Coach Diploma ® enables participants to gain international certification, awarded by the following organizations:
✦ Noble Manhattan Coaching – Practitioner Coach (NMC Dip)
✦ Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) – ILM Endorsed (no further submission or evidence required but is optional certification for which an ILM fee applies)
✦ International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M) – Accredited Coach Membership (IAPC&M application process and fee applies)
✦ International Coach Federation (ICF) – Accredited Coach Membership (ICF application process and fee applies)
✦ International Regulator of Coaching & Mentoring (IRCM) – Accredited Coach Membership (IRCM application process and fee applies)
You will have immediate password access to the student member’s area which is a 24hr a day online community where you can access an ever expanding range of training materials and working documents.
It also allows you to be in the contact with hundreds of other coaches worldwide and has a special study buddy facility
Although some of this program is designed as home study, you are by no means left on your own.
You will receive regular emails and calls from us, reminding you where you should be with your studies, and offering tips, advice and help.
The monthly webinar calls are designed to help you wherever you are on the course or on your journey as a coach.
Noble Manhattan is keen to support you both before and after you have qualified.
You can receive supervision as well as business advice.
You can ask anything you would like about the course or your coaching, and participate as much or as little as you like – so even if you just want to listen you’ll learn a lot.
Katrin Prentice and Cherry Claus, both are Accredited Master Coaches with thousands of coaching hours of experience will be there to help and guide you and answer your questions.
Part 2 – 3-Day Residential (Face-to-Face) Training
Overview of the 3-Day Residential life and executive coach training:
Day 1: Intensive with Gerard O’Donovan, Europe’s Leading Life & Executive Coach Trainer himself, the CEO of Noble Manhattan. Gerard’s teaching style is upbeat and dynamic! He
will teach and introduce you to several coaching techniques and practices, which you will have time to integrate during the day within smaller groups.
Day 2: Led by a Master Coach and Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Trainer. This day is goes deeper and slower-paced, overcoming limiting beliefs, timelines, eye accessing techniques, etc. More integration and an overview.
Day 3: Is much faster-paced with several group exercises. You will learn more coaching techniques and will start developing yourself as a coach.
Residential Coaching Experience
This is an experiential and fully immersive three days face-to-face training. The Residential is held over a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is all inclusive. Which means that you are fully looked after from the moment you arrive.
This done for a reason: so you don’t have to worry about the little things like the cost of a sandwich or a cup of coffee, but in stead you can completely immerse yourself into the coaching experience.
You will have your own double bedroom which is en-suite, all meals are included, refreshments, elevenses etc etc .
Student coaches and graduates fly in from around the world to attend the international residential weekends. The Residential happens a number of times throughout the year and the location moves to different countries.
The number of students is limited on the residential course to about 25-30 students, who are looked after by 6 to 8 trainers and staff. The limited number is so that you may get the full benefits from the weekend.
You are allowed to bring along your mate, partner, significant other or family to the residential too.
They cannot participate in the training, but they can enjoy the lovely location, and you can spend time with each other after the training day is over.
The Residentials are usually held outside of major cities, usually in a picturesque location. And added benefit of holding this weekend experience in various countries is that it gives the participants to explore different cultures, if you wish to.
Day One is very fast paced and upbeat. The master coach will teach you various different coaching techniques and practices.
Throughout the day, you will go off in twos and threes to practice these techniques.
✦ TGROW coaching model
✦ Listening skills
✦ Feedback
✦ Understanding the role of a life coach-client relationship
✦ Develop practical skills for effective coaching
✦ To transfer best practice from the classroom and apply it to the coach/client relationship
✦ Learn how to achieve goals and solve problems pro-actively
✦ Learn how to establish issues on which to be coached
✦ Understand the importance of helping clients to consider and choose options
✦ The coaching partnership model
✦ Balance between pulling and pushing
✦ Quality of an Ideal coach
✦ Real-life case studies
✦ Understanding the barriers to coaching
✦ Construct a personal development coaching plan
✦ Learn what “best practice” means in today’s coaching environment
✦ Gaining the successful qualities of coaches
The second day is taught by a master practitioner in N.L.P. (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
That day is a lot deeper and slower paced and the trainer goes into overcoming limiting beliefs, time lines, eye accessing techniques etc.
Throughout the day, you will go off in twos and threes to practice these techniques.
✦ Learn coaching as a performance enhancement technique
✦ Learn to generate more creative ideas and strategies for implementation
✦ Learn to coach an improved quality of life
✦ Learn to coach with greater flexibility and adaptability to change
✦ Learn to coach for the relief of stress
✦ Learn skills in listening for, recognizing and quickly addressing potential obstacles and problems
✦ learn how to recognize and improve skill deficiencies in others
✦ Learn a series of new tested transformation techniques for the coaching profession
✦ Learn to develop a deeper understanding of your mind and how to observe and steer it
✦ Master a key set of distinctions facilitating the flow of creativity
✦ Learn how to discover and grow people’s potential through sponsorship
✦ Start exploring a systematic approach to coaching
✦ The Disney creativity strategy
✦ The miracle question
✦ Patterns of eye movements
✦ The Money Clinic – changing beliefs about abundance
✦ Belief conflict integration
✦ Logical levels of the mind
✦ Presuppositions – finding limiting beliefs
✦ Believe change script, Belief conflicts, Timeline
The third day is taught by another experienced master coach and again is much faster paced, with a lot of group exercises.
You will learn a lot more coaching techniques and can really start to develop yourself as a coach. You will cover topics such as self-esteem, values, vision, goals, etc and additional coaching models.
Throughout the day, you will go off in twos and threes to practice these techniques.
✦ Raising awareness of the importance of self-esteem in coaching
✦ Recognizing levels of self-esteem
✦ Understanding the difference between confidence and self-esteem
✦ Measuring self-esteem
✦ Learn how to coach clients to raise self-esteem
✦ Practice coaching to raise self-esteem
✦ Learn the importance of core values
✦ Understanding the relationship between values and goals
✦ Learn how to conduct a core values elicitation
✦ Learn the application of values elicitation in coaching
✦ Learn the relevance of values and vision to goal achievement
✦ Coaching a client to identify their vision
✦ Learn how to help clients who are not particularly visual
✦ An overview of goal setting
✦ Understand the pitfalls of goal setting
✦ Coach a client on goal setting
More face-to-face tutor hours
Customize your coach training and development experience by attending additional face-to-face Coaching with Supervision and Mentoring Masterclass Program, which runs monthly in both Sofia and Skopje.
When you combine the Practitioner Coach Diploma and 10 masterclasses you achieve
the Advanced Diploma in Life and Executive Coaching, which gives you 420 hours of accredited coach training
Comprehensive Group Supervision and Mentoring Program, which is designed specifically for professionals in the Personal, Executive and Team Coaching arenas and for those engaged in individual coaching.
Another opportunity for you to meet regularly with other coaches, practice your coaching skills and receive Continuous Professional Development face-to-face hours is to attend
Monthly Coaching Support Group Meetings
they are available in many cities around the Balkans, as well as around the globe.
- Interactive, motivating and highly enjoyable sessions which take place once a month and are open for anyone to participate
- For everyone whether a coach or student coach, whether interested in coaching or any other personal development discipline
- At these monthly meetings there will be talks delivered as well as workshops run on aspects of coaching and personal development and the chance to debate about current issues
- It also provides the opportunity for people to experience free coaching sessions
- Duration of meeting: 2 hours: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Find more information on the meetings of the Coaching Support Group in your city here: :
How Much is the Tuition Fee?

Additional Life time Coaching Support & Services
Coaching Support groups meet monthly in the major cities of many countries, such as the UK, Ireland, Poland, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Albania, Switzerland, Turkey, United States of America and are continuing development in more areas.
This is a great opportunity to meet other like minded people in your local area, to discuss your life and executive coach training process, listen to speakers on personal and professional development topics and enjoy as a great social event and networking.
Every month there are up to 5 live webinars that you can attend for FREE.
They are delivered in English and some in other local Languages (where available). The webinars are hosted by Senior or Master Coaches.
The topics follow the curriculum of the life and executive coach training certificate and diploma programs, as well as Corporate Coaching.
Attending the webinars live offers the opportunity for live Question-and-Answer sessions for the coaches.
This is designed for all Noble Manhattan students, Coaches and Associates to provide as much backup, help, care and support as you need. You will have access to hundreds of hours of downloadable teleclasses/webinars, past essays, helpful hints, details of support coaches. What makes this even better is that the continuous support of the online platform is available to you not only during you life and executive coach training, but also after you graduate.
As well as access to an online community, so you can join study groups and talk with other students/coaches worldwide.
International Coaching News is the largest online magazine on the planet.
It was created by leading figures in the coaching world. The magazine has been developed to aid everyone in all areas of coaching and personal development; provide essential information for any practicing or future coach. There are opportunities to interact with visitors and subscribers on general points of interest and suggestions.
International Coaching News is a quarterly online magazine, which caters to a person’s need for self-development.
ICN also delivers the latest news about the coaching world. This means that coaches, future coaches and subscribers receive regular updates. With ICN, a person will have the chance to read about different perspectives in coaching, how and why coaching is disparate from counseling and therapy, and the profit one can gain with coaching, not only as a way for personal development but also as a business advantage.
Coach Radio International specialize in all aspects of Coaching and Personal and Professional Development for both Practitioners and Patrons, and is available to anyone who wishes to listen to professional Coaches and Therapists and Practitioners talking about a large range of topics from Life and Corporate Coaching to Nero Linguistic Programming, Thought Field Therapy and many more.
You can have their own 1 hr show as often as you like on anything you like.
A worldwide platform that helps promote coaches across the world by providing a FREE directory of Coaches.
You can create your own profile that lists what areas you specialize in and how prospective clients can contact you. In our opinion this cab be beneficial for you even before you have completed you life and executive coach training program.
E-books for coaches is an publishing house that will publish and promote any white paper for students.
In this way, it promotes the student-coach and makes them a published author.
The author of this initiative is Mr Gerard O’Donovan, the owner and founder Of Noble Manhattan Coaching.
Gerard has been at the forefront of the coaching industry for the last 15 years and has personally trained over 18000 men and women to be wonderful life coaches, executive coaches and corporate coaches.
The best business card is a book!
His vision and quest to help coaches to be all that they can be, goes even further to assist them on the road to mastery within the profession, and to help them build a large sustainable and financially rewarding practice.
This is why he wanted to create a site where coaches could easily access information that would be of huge interest and benefit to qualified coaches and student coaches alike.
As a special bonus for those who graduate their life and executive coach training with DISTINCTION we make a nice layout and publish their Final Thesis as an e-book.
Within this unique blog, you will come across thoughts and postings from the worlds’ leading thinkers.
Topics such as paying off loans, debt consolidation in the financing, coaching, leadership, management, personal development and fulfillment are all at your fingertips.
The Coaching Blog has been rated in the top 20, out of 40 million coaching blogs in the world on the topics of coaching and personal development, and leadership.
You may submit your own articles to be posted on the blog. For example if you write an essay during you life and executive coach training, which receives a high mark, you can turn it into an blog post.
This way the blog will promote you as an author when your article is published.
This division provides advice for you on how to market yourself (niche marketing) and how to get your business started.
The IT department can also help design you a website.
A great business module to attend in addition to your life and executive coach training, is the Business Building Day, by Gerard O’Donovan.
Why Coaching Works is a Lead Generation Site for Coaches and Students still undergoing their life and executive coach training.
It provides ready made quality content that you may use to give away for free in order to help grow your own coaching practice.
‘Get Coaching Leads’, works hand in glove with ‘Why Coaching Works’.
It provides you the potential to gain clients.
When people download the content from Why Coaching Works, it notifies you of a potential client to contact.
The opportunity to participate in actual paid coaching contracts.
Companies that are looking for coaches often times contact Noble Manhattan for referrals.
Students can apply for these contracts like applying for a normal job. It is recommended however that you first graduate and successfully complete the life and executive coach training.